We are sorry but this group tour is not running due to the few people visiting Beijing after the pandemic. However, we have developed a wonderful but affordable camping tour (2GC2) for everyone. You may also consider taking the Gold Package of 2AB. We've optimized the program to make it more affordable for you.
TOUR PRICE: $259 flat rate
Limited Time Promotion
1st Guest: 11% off
2nd Guest: 22% off
3rd Guest: 33% off
4th Guest and after: 44% off
* If you are looking for breathtaking views with a relatively more affordable walk, then this hike will be right up your alley!
* Catch stunning views and meet NO crowds on great rolling terrain.
* 3-3.5 hours of walking on the Great Wall at Jinshanling
* 2-3 hours of walking on the Great Wall at Simatai and a night tour to the lit-up Simatai
* Walk from the restored part to the original wide side, covering the best three sections of the Great Wall.
* Flat rate program in English with discounts for more than one members of your party
* Group size varies from 5 people to 35 people depending on the signups of each day
* Lunch, dinner and breakfast are included.
* Camp on the Great Wall at night to experience what the ancient warriors could do.
* Bonus tour to Gubei Watertown
* Last-minute signup is OK, even past midnight. There is NO deadline.
* Available every day!
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